Floranorm is an antibacterial biological complex drug and is a bacterial mixture of bifidobacteria, lactobacteria, Coli bacteria and enterococci. The microbial components of the drug are resistant to the action of sulfanilamide drugs and penicillin group antibiotics, lonomycin, aminoglycosides tetracycline, which in turn causes the "floranorm" to be caused by the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug improves the processes of metabolism, promotes the synthesis of vitamins B and P in the body, prevents the formation of prolonged forms of intestinal diseases, and increases the nonspecific resistance of the body.
Indications: Biological tableted drug without contraindication
Floranorm treatment is indicated for the treatment of adults and children over 6 months of gastrointestinal diseases: - Acute and chronic gastroenterocolitis;
- Disbactions of different etiology, including dysbacteriosis caused by antibiotics and sulfanilamide drugs;
- Dysfunction of the underwear or in the case of pathogenic and conditional pathogenic microorganisms;
- Patients in the post -chlinic period who have suffered acute infectious intestinal diseases during the treatment of oncological patients after various surgical interventions.